Hi, I'm New, What's Your Name?
12:30 PMHello, this is my very first blog. Ever. My name is Hannah and I think it is best if I just start this off with introducing myself. I am 16, a sophomore in high school and I currently live near Chicago. Honestly I just started this because I was like 'Hey, I have many things to say, so why not say them and share my ideas', so that's what I did. Now I really don't know how good at this I'll be, or how many people will actually look at my blog or follow and like it, but that shouldn't really matter. It shouldn't matter how many followers I get, all that matters is that I like what I do and I have fun doing it. What I really want to share is photography, art, fashion, writing, books, music and DIY. I am not the best photographer. Nor do I have the best clothes. And yes, I do enjoy reading and writing. I love what I love, and I love who I am because of that. I will have my ups and downs, and there will be times when I have nothing to say, but it's temporary and I can't wait to get started!