Mother's/Father's Day

1:00 PM

Mother's Day is coming up and I found this very cute book that could be used for mother's day, father's day, a birthday or Christmas, but I found it perfect for my mom.

As shown in the picture the title is "What I Wish for..." and then you write in the name of the person you are giving the book to, and your name. In the book there 50 little prompts you could call them, and you fill in the blanks.
Ex: It's hard yo put into words how much I wish _________.
Ex: I wish your _________ appreciated how __________ you are.
You can cross out words in the prompt  to change them to something a little different, or you can add more words. You can make some of them funny, and others serious. Overall it's a great, simple gift that can mean the world to someone.

Now since my dad's birthday is coming up I also purchased a book for him too. I thought this could be a great gift for father's day also since that's coming up soon also, but not quite as soon as mother's day. This book is called "I Love You Dad, and Here's Why." This book allows you to go more in depth into the prompts they give you, with more room to write. You can write full paragraphs, a few words, or draw pictures. Here's examples of the prompts...
Ex: When people tell me I'm so much like you, it's usually because...
Ex: I've never told you this, but I want you to know...
I love how personal both books are, but I personally love the dad one better because I am not as close to my father as I am to my mother. And because I am better at showing my feelings through writing, rather than saying them face to face, I think this book will help me connect more with my dad.

Both books were purchased at Francesca's, and I also saw the "What I Wish For You..." book at Barnes and Noble. I hope this gift idea works for you if you need a last minute gift!

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