Art Picnics

1:00 PM

In the recent months I have greatly enjoyed painting and drawing, and just being creative overall. But what I enjoy more than just being artsy, it being artsy outside. It is so nice to sit outside, surrounded by nature and just relax. The air is so fresh, and it's wonderful just being one with nature. I lay out my blanket, bring out all my art supplies and grab a friend. I paint whatever comes to mind or doodle a little bit. Take some photos or make a little video, it's all fun. And don't forget a snack! I highly recommend cucumber, banana, raspberries and a little baby bell cheese.

My recent picnic included a fun 10 minute photo shoot of my friend. I couldn't waste the beautiful day or the flowers surrounding my backyard. It's easy to make a little background with the wooden deck. it makes more rustic, and more professional.

It was all a lot of fun and just very relaxing. If you're ever feeling stressed or bored just take a break, you don't even have to paint or draw, just get outside and enjoy nature.

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